
“Ready, boys? Time to jump into eternity."

Edward Teach, known as Blackbeard, was a pirate who terrorized the American colonies and the West Indies during the early 18th century. With his fearsome appearance, cunning tactics, and a fleet led by his flagship "Queen Anne's Revenge," he became the embodiment of terror on the seas until his violent death in a naval battle.

  • Age Taken to the Tower: 38

  • DOB: c. 1680

  • Nationality / Place of Origin: English

  • Background / Profession: Pirate Captain

  • Skills / Abilities: Martial prowess, seamanship, intimidation, naval tactics

  • Personality Traits: Fearless, cunning, charismatic, ruthless, enigmatic

  • Key Motivations: Power, wealth, infamy, control over his domain

  • Favorite / Signature Weapon or Strategy: Known for tying slow-burning fuses into his beard, which would create a terrifying appearance as they smoked during battles, adding to his fearsome reputation.

Intelligence Wisdom Creativity Compassion
7 4 7 2
Resolve Charisma Athleticism Martial Prowess
8 7 7 8