Deborah Sampson Gannett

"I am indeed willing to acknowledge what I have done, an error and presumption. I will call it an error and presumption because I swerved from the accustomed flowery path of female delicacy, to walk upon the heroic precipice of feminine perdition!"

Deborah Sampson Gannett, a young Massachusetts woman, defied 18th-century gender norms by disguising herself as a man to fight in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Her courage, tenacity, and skill earned her respect from fellow soldiers, and her story became a symbol of female strength and determination in a time when women's roles were rigidly defined.

  • Age Taken to the Tower: 22

  • DOB: December 17, 1760

  • Nationality / Place of Origin: American

  • Background / Profession: Soldier, teacher

  • Skills / Abilities: Marksmanship, hand-to-hand combat, farming, teaching

  • Personality Traits: Brave, resourceful, determined, disciplined, adventurous

  • Key Motivations: Patriotism, desire for independence and equality, personal challenge

  • Favorite / Signature Weapon or Strategy: Musket; her ability to maintain her disguise as a man and her physical endurance

Intelligence Wisdom Creativity Compassion
6 6 8 5
Resolve Charisma Athleticism Martial Prowess
8 6 7 7