Henry Johnson

"There wasn't anything so fine about it. Just fought for my life. A rabbit would have done that."

Henry Johnson, a rail station porter who became a soldier in the famed "Harlem Hellfighters," distinguished himself with an act of extraordinary heroism during a night patrol in World War I. His defiant stand against a German raiding party, despite being severely wounded, made him a symbol of courage, tenacity, and the often-overlooked contributions of African American soldiers to the U.S. military.

  • Age Taken to the Tower: 21

  • DOB: July 15, 1892

  • Nationality / Place of Origin: American

  • Background / Profession: Rail Station Porter, Soldier

  • Skills / Abilities: Hand-to-hand combat, marksmanship, resilience

  • Personality Traits: Courageous, resourceful, humble

  • Key Motivations: Duty, honor, survival

  • Favorite / Signature Weapon or Strategy: His use of a bolo knife in close combat became a symbol of his resourcefulness and determination.

Intelligence Wisdom Creativity Compassion
6 6 6 7
Resolve Charisma Athleticism Martial Prowess
9 6 7 8