Rani Lakshmibai

"I will not give my Jhansi to you."

Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi, a fierce warrior queen, stood as a beacon of resistance against British colonialism in India. Her courage, military acumen, and unyielding love for her people thrust her into legend, as she led her soldiers in the Indian Rebellion of 1857, refusing to bow to foreign rule and becoming an enduring symbol of Indian nationalism.

  • Age Taken to the Tower: 29

  • DOB: November 19, 1828

  • Nationality / Place of Origin: Indian / Varanasi, India

  • Background / Profession: Queen of the Maratha-ruled state of Jhansi, Warrior

  • Skills / Abilities: Leadership, horsemanship, swordsmanship, military strategy

  • Personality Traits: Courageous, steadfast, compassionate, patriotic

  • Key Motivations: Defense of her kingdom, opposition to British rule, empowerment of her people

  • Favorite / Signature Weapon or Strategy: Sword and horseback; Rani Lakshmibai was known for her exceptional skills in cavalry charges, often leading her troops into battle herself.

Intelligence Wisdom Creativity Compassion
7 6 6 7
Resolve Charisma Athleticism Martial Prowess
9 8 7 8