Ustym Karmaliuk

"I take from the rich and help the poor; justice, not law, is my guide."

Ustym Karmaliuk was a legendary Ukrainian outlaw and revolutionary who stole from the rich and aided the impoverished peasantry. Eluding capture for over 30 years, he became a symbol of resistance against the oppressive landlords and the Tsarist regime, leaving a lasting impact on Ukrainian folklore and national consciousness.

  • Age Taken to the Tower: 45

  • DOB: March 8, 1787

  • Nationality / Place of Origin: Ukrainian

  • Background / Profession: Peasant, outlaw

  • Skills / Abilities: Guerilla warfare, horse riding, thievery, survival skills

  • Personality Traits: Charismatic, cunning, compassionate, rebellious, fearless

  • Key Motivations: Social justice, alleviating the suffering of the poor, resistance against tyranny

  • Favorite / Signature Weapon or Strategy: Saber and guile; Karmaliuk was known for his clever tactics and resourcefulness, often outsmarting his enemies and living by his wits.

Intelligence Wisdom Creativity Compassion
7 6 6 7
Resolve Charisma Athleticism Martial Prowess
8 8 7 8